1 頁 (共 1 頁)


發表於 : 2004-09-01, 04:52

Dad: "Give me a chocolate bar."
Dad: "Mafalda is going to be so happy with this!"
Dad: "Guess what I brought you Maf...?"
Mafalda: "A TV SET???"
Dad: "I never knew chocolate could taste like failure."

Mafalda: "What are you going to be when you grow up, Susanita?"
Susanita: "I'm going to be a mother!"
Susanita: "Your dad has a very original way of lying down."

Dad: "My god! what's happening?"
Mafalda: "Nothing... I just don't want to be late for the first day of school."

Teacher: "My mom pampers me. My mom loves me."
Mafalda: "I'm happy for you, Ms. I see you have a wonderful mother."
Mafalda: "Now, please, can you teach us something important?"

Felipe (thinking): "Well, I better go do my homework."
Felipe (thinking): "Damn!"

Mafalda and Felipe: "This is a robbery!"
Manolito: "If you don't like the prices, you can shop somewhere else, Ms.!"
Manolito: "Sorry, it's the habit."

"MAMA, vos que futuro le ves a ese movimiento por la liberacion de la muj... no, nada, olvidalo."
"Mom, what future do you see for that women's liberation moveme... no, nothing, forget it."

Dad: "What are you watching, Mafalda?"
Mafalda: "The fight."
Dad: "But... it's a soap opera! What fight are you talking about?"
Mafalda: "The writer's fight. It's fascinating seeing the writer's struggle to escape the clutches of intelligence."

發表於 : 2004-09-01, 08:28


不知道瑪法達在經過十幾年後,有沒有變的比較不那麼『痛恨』喝湯沒有 :p

發表於 : 2004-09-02, 00:02