Apollo and Sarpedon, Berthelemy, Jean Simon

圖二 Charon
Michelangelo, 西斯丁教堂壁畫

圖三New York, Harper & Brothers, April 14, 1888. Harper's weekly

圖四 Albrecht Durer. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. 1498. Woodcut

圖五 Albrecht Durer The Knight, Death and The Devil, engraving, 1513

圖六 Hans Holbein, 1554, Dance of Death
I. The Creation, The Deity is seen taking Eve from the Side of Adam.

II. The Temptation
Eve has just received the forbidden fruit from the serpent, who is here, as well as in most ancient representations of the subject, depicted with a female human face. She holds it up to Adam, and entices him to gather more of it from the tree.

圖八 III. The Expulsion
Adam and Eve are preceded by Death, who plays on a vielle, or beggar's lyre, as if demonstrating his joy at the victory he has obtained over man.

圖九 IV. The Consequences of the Fall
Adam is digging in the ground, assisted by Death. In the distance Eve is suckling her first-born, and holding a distaff. Whence the proverb in many languages:
When Adam delved and Eve span, Where was then the gentleman?

Book of Hours for Dominican Use
Italy, Siena, c. 1470 , Liberale da Verona, 1445–1527/29
Death Standing in a Landscape. The Office of the Dead in this Book of Hours is introduced by a striking image of Death as a skeletal figure holding a scythe. Despite the book's small size, the artist has added a finely rendered landscape as a backdrop to the terrifying presence of Death.

Book of Hours for Rome Use , France, Paris, early 16th century
Allegory of Death. In this Book of Hours, the Office of the Dead opens with a richly clothed nobleman flanked on the left by a demon and a skeleton wielding a spear, and on the right by an angel and a woman dressed in black. Below the nobleman's feet, a fiery and sharp-toothed Hellmouth opens its jaws to receive him

Jean Colombe, Death as Knight on Horseback, fifteenth century.

Hans Baldung. Death and the Maiden. c.1510. Oil on panel.
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria

Hans Baldung. Girl and Death. 1517. Tempera on wood.
Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Hans Baldung. Woman and Death. Tempera on wood. Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Niklaus Manuel, Death and the Maiden

Woodcut by Wohlgemuth from the Nuremburg Chronicle, 1493, showing the dance of Death in the graveyard of the church of St. Magnus at Magdeburg.

A theme of the Dance of Death, three living men confront three dead men.
A detail painting by Orcagna at Pisa showing three noblemen coming face to face with three corpses.

The death of the physician and the death of the lover.
Engravings by Guyot Marchant, 1485, based on the Danse macabre at the Church of the Innocents, Paris.

圖二十 Hans Holbein, 1554, Dance of Death
XXVI. The Physician
He holds out his hand to receive, for inspection, a urinal which Death presents to him, and which contains the water of a decrepit old man whom he introduces, and seems to say to the physician, "Canst thou cure this man who is already in my power?"

XXXIX. The Child
A female cottager is preparing her family meal, when Death enters and carries off the youngest of her children

Niklaus Manuel, Totentanz

Niklaus Manuel, Totentanz

Rodulf and Conrad Meyer, Todten-Dantz, seventeenth century.

J.R. Schellenberg, Dance of Death, eighteenth century.

Thomas Rowlandson, The English Dance of Death, 1815-1816

Monument from Boissard

Monument from Boissard

Thomas Rowlandson, The English Dance of Death, 1815-1816

Jean Grandville, Journey to Eternity, no.7 (1830)

圖三十一Triumph of Death (detail), c. 1350, Fresco, Campo Santo, Pisa

Carlos Schwabe
The Death of the Gravedigger, 1895-1990, 75 x 55.5 cm, Paris

Carlos Schwabe, Angel of Death
Jacek Malczewski
Thanatos, oil on canvas, 1898, National Museum in Poznan

Jacek Malczewski Thanatos II
oil on canvas, about 1898-1899, National Museum in Warsaw

George FrederickWatts
Death Crowning Innocence (1886—1887)

George FrederickWatts
Time, Death, and Judgement (1884)

George FrederickWatts, The Angel of Death , ca. 1870

Gustave Moreau, The Young man and Death, 1865
Oil on canvas, 213 x 126 cm, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, USA

Alfred Kubin, The Best Doctor ,

Thomas Cooper Gotch
Death the Bride (1895)

Félicien Rops
Death at the Ball (1865-1875), 151x 85cm

Félicien Rops, Dancing Death (1865)

August Barthelemy, trans.,Syphilis: Poème en deux chants (Paris. Bechet junior et Labe & Bohaire, 1840).
This is a translation of a section of Fracastoro’s Latin poem on the nature and origin of syphilis

“Anomalies of the Face and the Ear in Prostitutes”, from Pauline Tarnowsky, Étude anthropométrique sur les prostituées et les voleuses (Paris: E. Lecrosnier et Bébé, 1889). Ithaca: Private collection.