威廉•布雷克William Blake的圖像創作


 1.          David W. Lindsay. The Order of Blakes Large Color Prints. William Blake And His Circle. Papers Delivered at a Huntington Symposium. Henry E. Huntington library and Art Gallery San Marino 1989.

2.          Martin Butlin. The Physicality of William Blake: The Large Color Prints of 1795. William Blake And His Circle. Papers Delivered at a Huntington Symposium. Henry E. Huntington library and Art Gallery San Marino 1989.

3.          William Blake: The Complete Illuminated Books. Thames and Hudson 2001

4.          Martin Butlin. The Paintings and Drawings of WILLIAM BALKE. Yale university press New Heaven and London 1981

5.          Edited by Robert N. Essick and Donald Pearce Blake and His Time. Indiana University press. Bloomington and London 1978

 6.          Raymond Lister. The Paintings of William Blake.  Cambrige University Press 1986

7.          W.J.T. Michell  Blakes Composite Art. Princeton University Press Princeton, New Jersey 1978

 8.         Eitner Lorenz. An Outline of 19th Century European Paintings, form David trough Cezanne. New York: icon edition, 1992.

9.          Kathleen Raine. William Blake. Thames and Hudson. World of art. 1970

10.      S. Foster Damon A Blake Dictionary. The Ideas and Symbols of William Blake Brown University Press, Providence, Rhode Island, 1965

11.      Milton, John. Paradise Lost.  Edited by Alastair Fowler London : Longman , 1971

12.      Charles Seymour. Michelangelo, the Sistine Chapel ceiling : illustrations, introductory essays, backgrounds and sources, critical essays New York : Norton , 1972.

13.      Pamela Dunbar. William Blakes Illustrations to the Poetry of Milton. Clarendon press, Oxford. 1980.


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